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Writer's pictureBelinda Byrnes

Unlocking the Power of Zinc: A Holistic Approach to Eczema Treatment in Kids

We get it – dealing with childhood eczema can be a real rollercoaster for both you and your little ones. But here's the thing – there's a lot more to eczema than meets the eye, and conventional treatments might be missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Recent studies have highlighted that a whopping 25% of kids under 14 with eczema might be facing a zinc deficiency. Could your child be one of them? Surprisingly, up to 50% of the population is at risk of lacking this essential mineral and yet this isn't being considered at all in the conventional treatment of eczema and dermatitis. Let's dive into why considering zinc deficiency is crucial for every parent navigating the challenges of childhood eczema.

Embarking on the eczema journey can feel like navigating uncharted waters. It's not just about the visible symptoms – the itchiness, redness, infections, lack of sleep – it's the constant quest for solutions and the feelings of hopelessness that truly defines the experience. Childhood eczema is more than just a skin condition; it affects the whole family.

The Zinc Factor in Skin Health: Now, let's talk about zinc – the unsung hero that plays a vital role in supporting not just skin health but many other factors contributing to eczema.

Signs to Look Out For: Wondering if your child might have low zinc levels? While tests are available, keep an eye out for signs like mouth ulcers, viral skin conditions, recurrent infections, slow growth, low energy, irritability, fussy eating, or changes in smell or taste.

Why Zinc Levels Might Be Low: From low dietary intake to poor absorption and increased requirements due to various factors (growth spurts, frequent infections, low birth weight or premature birth, poor appetite, soy-based bottle feeds, stress, wounds, high phytate diets), understanding the reasons behind low zinc levels is crucial for long-term results.

Supplementation and Naturopathic Perspective: Before jumping into zinc supplementation, consult your practitioner to ensure it's needed and safe. The right doses for age, weight, and height matter. Your naturopath will also help you address the root cause of low zinc levels. 

Food Sources of Zinc: Good news – you can find this superhero nutrient in everyday foods! Grass-fed meats, shellfish, eggs, cashews, roasted chickpeas, pumpkin, sesame and hemp seeds can be tasty additions to your child's diet.

How Zinc Can Help

Zinc isn't just a bystander; it actively calms inflammation, boosts the healing process, and strengthens the immune system and addressing digestive issues is key for long-term results and fewer flare-ups.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Zinc can help to calm the storm. It has anti-inflammatory powers which can help to sooth red, inflamed skin and break that scratch/itch cycle.

Boosting the Healing Process: Zinc actively supports the skins journey to recovery by actually helping to heal the skin. Not only does it speed up healing but also makes the skin stronger and more resistant to infection.

Strengthening the Immune System: If your little one experiences flare-ups triggered by environmental factors such as dust or fragrances, or if they seem to react to certain foods, it's crucial to assess the immune system. We need to determine whether it's hypersensitive or, on the flip side, an under functioning immune system won’t be robust enough to be effective. Zinc plays a pivotal role in fostering a well-functioning immune system and supporting the maintenance of strong digestive tissue.

In a nutshell, while zinc status isn't the answer for every eczema case, it should always be considered and addressed as required.

So, let's navigate the eczema journey, armed with the power of zinc for healthier, happier little ones. 🌿💚

If all of this seems a little daunting to navigate on your own, you can book your FREE naturopathic assessment today. Click here to schedule your session to discuss the next best step for your family's health.


Belinda x

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